Sunday, July 21, 2013

Butter knife.

Saying you treasure something/someone is like saying you're grateful that you have them.

You treasure your family, your friends, your possessions. There are a variety of ways people sort their list of treasures; Money? Social standing? Those are that too. Anything or anyone can be put in the same list. This is all very subjective, all according to the person viewing it. Perspective.

Everyone has a different treasure. or treasures. many many treasures.

They all have a different way of showing affection for all the treasures in the world. Hoarders just take in everything and guard them with extreme prejudice. But that's not saying that they aren't grateful, they just take it all in, accepting all they've hoarded as a part theirs. It's a serious mental condition that I've no means of seeing clearly. But in a way, it's a simpler way of living, albeit quite cluttered and messy. Not to mention detrimental to your entire well-being if your towers of stuff just fall and collapse on you. It is simple if it could be applied to human beings and not just, you know stuff.

Imagine taking everyone in, well not literally. Just accepting everyone for who they are, what they do. Without the colored lens and all. Just everyone, friends without all the thoughts of trying to murder your neighbor with a butter knife, no matter how much they deserve it. An utopia of almost perfect ideologies. You do know why we call it utopia right? Paradise. Because us, humans being us would never achieve such ideas. That might be the pessimist in me talking but I strongly believe that for the cold hard, undeniable truth. Stereotypes and haters are just everywhere.

There's just no known solution because individual are highly unpredictable. Emotions. That's the killing blow to the envision utopia. We can't act, well not completely, without emotion. Unless you're a robot, which I'm pretty sure my neighbors are.

Now where did I put that butter knife?

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