Monday, May 20, 2013


Yeah, I know it's monday tomorrow(now?) and everyone is having the blues(already? walao eh five more days to friday)

I just took up blogging again and I'm not too sure what's a good time to post up new stuff. For me, it's probably whenever I'm unable to sleep despite overwhelming workload and poorly scheduled classes, which is to say now?

My audience at this hour would likely be - none. But I'm used to it anyway, as much as I tried gathering a lively audience. And to be really frank, I tried, really hard.

This post's sole purpose is to share with you, my avid readers, a video from half a year ago. It's a locally produced video(well, Australia but stilllll) by some really talented people. I'm actually surprised at how great the quality is. Man, support local product eh.

It is about- wait go watch it yourself.

I'm not doing a really good job of promoting said video am I? Shucks, these guys are lucky I'm not in charge of promotion and marketing stuff.

Well, here is it, enjoy(?):

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