Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dogs & Rovers.

What we do everyday, waking up, going about our routine, scrolling through fb news feed. In the end, we try to find meaning to our existence, to justify the reason for our continued function, if there is one. There's so many that one can go about it, and whether we realize it or not, we're doing essentially the same thing at some sort of level. Just struggling against life and at the same time, to know why we're even here at all; else, we would be some kind of alien worm living under a rock in Mars, trying to avoid NASA and all their awe-named rovers. There must be one; a purpose of man's eventual evolution into what he is today.

Like beings of lower caliber, we're just too dumb to realize it. Take this example:

A dog's instinct tells him that the human feeding him is his human; that he have to protect him and his family by barking madly at the postman. His ability to think revolves around chasing his tail, tearing up sofas and basically just being irresistibly cute. When he's rewarded or punished, he might know why but because he's an animal without higher cerebral abilities, he doesn't exactly know why.

Not sure if anyone's following this crooked analogy but we're like dogs in this case but without our own human, our reason for living; the ultimate goal of life. There's nobody who would go about rewarding or punishing us for shit we did or didn't do, that's why we invented a system based solely on this, to fulfill a need that we desperately crave in our deepest level.

Today is the first of 2014, I should someplace doing something else rather than this. You know, more meaningful than cramming for finals, I bet there are loads of other greener pastures elsewhere than this rotten patch I'm standing on.

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