Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Box.

All of us begin as a metaphorical empty box, filled with nothing but innocence and naivety. There are no boundaries limiting how big or small this box could be, it can be as wide and as deep as seas and oceans, in the beginning. All wide-eyed and full of ourselves, we rush headlong into the world, neither knowing what to expect nor what to do with the unexpected. Then, it happens.

Growing up, we embark upon the arduous and never ending task of filling said box, with a variety of things - some of them matters, most of them don't. The more we stack into the symbolic box, the less we remember what we've put there to the point that we begin to question ourselves. What am I doing with my life?

That is the point when you'd become overwhelm with life itself. You'd become busier with the same amount of work but with less productivity than before, there might even be times when you just want to give up trying anymore. Yet, you trudge on, with whatever willpower you could muster, hoping that at the end of this soul crushing deluge, there will be serenity. The biblical equivalent of the light at the end of the tunnel.

We don't know this yet, but that peace does not lies all the way at the end. Depending on what you chose to put inside that allegorical box, any dissension disrupting your life's harmony could be eliminated instantly. Like, poof. Gone.

Personally, I'd put in love and passion enough to last me a lifetime and then seal the fuck out of that box.

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