Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What's not?

This isn't my first blog. I have plenty of failed iterations of previous blogs which now lies somewhere between hidden and deleted. Today of all days should be a great day for fresh beginnings, to start anew, reignite my passion for writing - this time to an audience I didn't know existed. I think, to write and to blog is two very different things. I love to write, make no mistake but for all my blog posts, I could not sustain a single reader much less an audience.

Today, I would like to change that. I want to be blogging, not only writing.

The first thing when you create a new blog, what's the thing that takes the longest time? Loading up the browser? No? You probably guessed it. I was stuck on the figuring out a title for this little blog space of mine. It took me hours before I'd even began to write anything of a title that I deemed worthy as a title.

It's just like when you start up a brand new game for the first time, and you're asked to type in your - the game's protagonist's name. Most of the time, when I finally got the name right, I'm already mentally exhausted to do anything else and that concludes my game time for the day.

Even with that said, I haven't the slightest what does this title means at all. Perhaps in time, I'll figure it out with some readers of course.

It's long road ahead, though it be blurred and unfocused, I want very much to see it all through, someday. Don't you just find the prospect of having something exciting to be exciting? This blog might be that exactly :)

I think this is a suitable length for any reputable first posts. So, I hope to see you reading my blog somewhere sometime. Maybe?

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