Friday, June 3, 2016


One hundred words a day, be it fictitious stories, idle banter or incoherent ramblings, I aspire to work my decaying writing muscles. I longed to, as a matter of fact. I blame procrastination, because its a real thing now; not just an abstract concept made up to explain how well I waste my time. Shrugs.

You and I both know that is not the underlying problem. I could fault everyone and everything else but in the end, it comes back to me. Writer's block. Heh. How does someone identifies as a writer? Is it a persona? A pen name? Do you just wake up one day, and decides that you're going to tell everyone you're gonna start writing for a living? It's not that easy,innit?

Could you suffer from writer's block when you're not even a full-fledged writer? Hell, do even real writers experience this? I have absolutely no idea.

You thought to save the world.
Now, you struggle to save yourself.

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