Thursday, November 14, 2013


You try, try and try. But what do you get in return? There's so much you need to try in life, so much to give, so little to take. It practically overwhelms you starting from day one, the very day you realize that life is an actual living entity that does nothing but screws with you every now and then.

It's like hitting your bare knuckles against a wall that is neither visible nor destructible. An impregnable cell, slowly getting smaller, taking with it every bits of light, caving you in the tropes of life.

The suffocation drives us on, we push against it, hammering the unknown with every ounce of strength we could muster, giving it all we've got, wanting, needing to break it down.

Just out of the blue, you start to realize, the trick to it, the loophole in the grand scheme of all natural things. It's like the final piece in a thousand jigsaw; when you see it, you just know that this is it. The final boss battle in a good old fashioned RPG if that's your thing (it's mine). 

There's no telling when it might happen but one day it will just dawn on you.

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