Monday, November 25, 2013


Food for thought, just something that's been drifting in my head all weekend.

You isolate yourself, trying for solitude but end up with loneliness and that's fine,
but you try to shield yourself with that self-erected barrier, avoiding everyone else.
You'd become accustomed to the darkness; it greets you like a friend,
but you're afraid of whom you call friend, because it is asphyxiating, choking.
You try to grapple with the void, with nothingness, where everything is for naught,
but you don't realize that it's your own shadow you've struggling so hard against.

We try so hard to be independent, to be on our own, surviving in this harsh world. Sometimes we just miss the big picture of why we're here at all, there have to be a reason because I cannot bring myself to believe that this is all just a test of our mortality, of our perseverance, of our faith?

Imagine one day, you just disappear. You stop showing up to work, to class, or whatever it is your daily routine. No explanation whatsoever, you just stop; no status update to tell where you went; no tweets to share your location; no check-ins at that coffee place. Just, poof.

Would you be missed? Does anyone care that you're gone, just like that? Would anyone care enough to find out the reason? However ridiculous or petty it may sound? Just take a small moment in your life; stop and consider this incredulous question that I've been pondering when I should have been studying. (and no, that person cannot be your mom; and yes, we all love our moms)

just something (pointless) to stimulate your brain cells.

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